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RE: Participation and PayPal

Erik wrote:

> We DEFINITELY want to have PayPal as an option this year.  
> After going 
> through the pain to send money to other countries, it's clear 
> that the 
> upcharge of 5-10% is miniscule compared to the $1+ 
> international money 
> order charges.  At worst, we could up it to $5.50 for Paypal, but I'd 
> suggest just eating the 50 cents.

I second the motion of eating the PayPal costs.  I still think $5 is
enough in this day and age.

> David Lass, AGA treasurer, was going to look into this.  It 
> will be very 
> easy for him to communicate back to me/us that payments were received 
> (essentially I am already using this sort of "method" to find 
> out when 
> people ordered videotapes from Jack O'Leary by mistake -- he 
> mails me and 
> tells me who bought them).
> If David doesn't have the time, Dave V, me, or someone else 
> on the contest list could easily set up a business account to 
> accept payments just for 
> the contest.

My only concern here is that we figure out what email address we are
going to use and incorporate it into the entry forms and web site as
soon as they are available to the general public.

Whoa!  Messages flying!  Erik, you mentioned changing the web site in
mid-stream.  Given that everyone waits till the last minute, and that
makes sense to me, I can certainly live with it if everyone else can.

Cool, decision by committee in no time flat! :-)


Dave VanderWall
In windy Minneapolis!

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