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Hi Folks,

Sorry for the delay, it never seem to rain but it pours. I was tied up with
pre-income tax matters for several weeks and then landed flat on my back in
hospital for the past several days. I'm afraid to say that things don't look
good for my continued involvement in either the Contest or helping out with
TAG, at least for the forseeable future. I expect to be back in hospital
next week so that more specialists can poke and prod me and it may be
several months until I'm back on my feet. The same troubles which plagued me
last year have re-surfaced and judging by past experience I will be pretty
much bed-ridden for a while.

Hope this doesn't crimp things too much - I just don't have the energy
needed to see this through properly, and they are jobs that need someone's
full attention.

Good luck with everything....

James Purchase

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