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[AGA Contest] update (AGA Aquascaping Contest)

Hi guys,

Been so busy lately, I haven't let this small handful of contest helpers 
know how things went... First, thanks for those that helped get the word 
out to magazines, newsletters and BBS's.  It was good to see the plug in 
Phil's sig the one time I was poking around aquabotanic's BBS.

Some stats: There are 63 entries, which is exactly the same as last year, 
except that last year there were four entries in the art and pond
categories which we exorcised this year.  So in a sense, numbers are up a
little.  That's cool.  Furthermore, there are no less than five entries
per category -- even the biotope one!  That gives them some real
competition.  The "Large"  classification is, as always, full of entries,
with 22.  And for the third year in a row, nobody even bothered to enter 
"Artificial".  I think it may be time to officially retire that category.

The entries are really nice, and varied as in previous years.  Still wish 
more people would enter their "ordinary" or "experimental" work, even 
knowing it won't win a prize.  But hey, I'm not complaining.

Finally Thanks to those who offered to help judge.  After the minor (VERY
MINOR) snafus with last year's judges also being entrants, I decided to
remove the issue entirely & make the first criteria that the judges could
not have entered at all this year.  I figured that if I couldn't find
enough people, then we'd relax the requirement.  I was pretty worried for
a bit-- it appears that the two "vets" I most wanted were unable to judge
for the same reason they were unable to enter -- lives too busy!  But
sometimes you just let the universe handle things (my wife says), and they
sort themselves out.  Somehow we've got FIVE judges this year!  The one
"guest star" judge may drop out due to time and language barriers [Woah, I
just happened to check the website, and if he isn't already scoring them!  
Go Mystery Guest Star Judge!]

Hope to see you guys in person November.  That will be amazing.

  - Erik

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com

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