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[AGA Contest] Re: Biotope Suggestions

Hi all,

Sorry for the delay, but I wasn't sure that talking about the biotope
category at such length on the list was what Erik wanted right now.  But now
that he's also into the discussion, I guess we can continue the discussion.

When I wrote Erik about this subject and also when I wrote the Biotope
article in the January-March 2004 TAG, I had read the contest FAQs trying to
get some idea of what might be needed to improve the number and quality of
entries.  I misinterpreted something then and should correct it now.  I had
mentioned in the article that the founders of the contest had intended it to
be a planted aquaria contest.  Erik has since informed me that it was
actually intended to be an aquascaping contest and plants were not an issue.
I think that I have since been thought of by many as being part of the
"planted biotopes only" group of people who feel that plantless biotopes
should not be allowed in the contest.  This isn't true since I am very
flexible and am only giving some suggestions.

I just want to say that I think that the biotope category needs some
guidelines.  Also, if the tank doesn't have plants, and is not biotopically
correct, but is a beautifully aquascaped tank it deserves to be placed in a
new "unplanted aquascape" category.

Also, Phil Edwards did contribute greatly the document I have prepared,
since he knows a lot more about biotopes than I do, although he can't be
held responsible for the entire document since I think I've added some
things he hasn't seen yet.  So put the blame on me if something doesn't look
good.  But then again through discussion we can change it.

Also I don't think it is a problem finding qualified judges, as I feel the
burden of proof concerning the authenticity of the biotope rests with the
entrant.  The more documentation they supply the better their entry will be
regarded.  In model aviation, the contestant must supply documentation
verifying the accuracy of their scale models.  I think the biotope entrants
should do the same thing.

I have a link below to a word document with some suggestions:
Go to the bottom of the page and click on the "Biotope Rules. Doc"
It may ask for a password, just hit "Enter" three times, and then it should
let you in.

If the link is split go to
then pick "Links" at the bottom of the page, and then go to the bottom of
the page and click on the "Biotope Rules. Doc" hyperlink.
It may ask for a password, just hit "Enter" three times, and then it should
let you in.

I have received quite a few emails saying that people were inspired by my
aricle to go out and look for plants where they live and create biotope
tanks.  Also on a Forum I moderate we have many people that have become
interested in starting local biotope tanks.  Their locations are mostly in
North America from Texas to near the Arctic Circle in Canada.  So I think
that more people are gradually getting interested in this type of tank.  It
may take a few years to really develop it further.

Steve Pituch

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