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[AGA-Contest] It's almost time!

Hi folks,

Opening day is racing towards us and I just wanted to catch
up on where things are at with the different jobs and
issues  -- read that as "on one knee, hands clasped in

I don't know if we will get a definitive answer on the
fax/scan issue in time for a June 1 opening -- a definitive
answer might not even be possible ever; it's one of those
law type issues. I think that, until and unless we hear
that we would be significantly worse off by taking fax or
scanned photo releases, we should accept photo releases
that that way. The release is nice to have in hand, but I
believe entry submission implies acceptance of the terms
and conditions of entry. 

Erik, can the web server accept faxes or do I need to buy a
fax machine for the AGA?

Phil, I don't know where the SF group is at re a future
convention but I'm pretty darn certain that we won't get
Contest prizes from the convention donations this year. If
you haven't already, can you start hitting up the likely
sources for donations.

Folks, you think Phil can tell the prospective donors that
anything over $xx and they're listed as a supporter on the
contest website. Anything over $xx+y and they're listed as
sponsors, with logos etc. If you come up with a better
marketing tack -- and you probably will -- let's hear it.
We're not looking for a ton of stuff here, just what Erik
has previously listed for the 1st placer and something
honorific for the judges.

Ricky the Artmeister, did Erik get the logo? If not, can
you steal some time somewhere?

I suggest that any paper, checks, money orders, photo
releases from the Luddites, be directed to me -- a black
box approach for entrants. Erik, do we get many photos by
mail. If so, to keep things simple, I suggest they go to
the same address and I'll be repsonsible for
forwarding/distributing them.

We don't announce the judges ahead of time, right? So we
still have time to nail those down if they aren't nailed
down already -- guess we shouldn't talk about *nailing
down* judges until after the judging ;-)

What else, folks?


The AGA's Sixth Annual International Aquascaping Contest is opening soon.

The webpage for 2005 entries well be ready in a few days. So, start planning, 
planting and pruning and dosing, doctoring, hosing and posing. Going exotic? 
Then round up those rare plants now. Need some iinspiration? View prior-year 
entries and winners here: http://showcase.aquatic-gardeners.org
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