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Re: [AGA-Contest] Awards

I thought the only issue was the overseeas folks and shipping costs. Cash is a 
gift certificate good at all stores :-), so let's just send checks (well, we 
can't acutally put cash inthe mail). Get me the names and addresses of the 
overseas winners and the values of the awards and I'll mail out checks. 
I thought that for the domestic winners, we would just send the stuff. We could 
auction off the stuff and then just send a check, which is fine with me since 
sending domestic checks is as easy as typing a name and address. But auction 
prices aren't liekly to bring in much rev relative to retail value. Still, it 
will save shipping costs.
I don't care how we do it so long as we get it done. Or at least, before week's 
end, send a note to the winners saying that they haven't been forgotenn and 
that their award will be forthcoming.
Re coulombs, force, etc.  The main thing is to remember that amperage is a 
measure of a flow (of electrons) *through* a circuit and voltage is a measure 
of a quality *across* two points in a circuit. After that, it's all just math 

* * * * * * * * * * * The 6th Annual AGA Aquascaping Contest entries are on 
display: http://showcase.aquatic-gardeners.org As a service to the community 
the AGA has opened forums: http://forum.aquatic-gardeners.org/ 

----- Original Message ----
From: Phil Edwards <biotypical@hotmail.com>
To: aga-contest@thekrib.com
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2006 8:30:22 AM
Subject: RE: [AGA-Contest] Awards

Only a couple.  I have yet to hear from those who make such decisions on 
what to do for the winners of Seachem sponsored categories.  Are we sending 
checks or gift certificates?

I've got two large boxes of Seachem goods ready to be used for the AGA's 
benefit.  The Raleigh Aquarium Society is having their annual auction in a 
few weeks.  I can always see about bringing the stuff there, selling it off, 
and sending you the check, Scott.

Sick to death of electrical charges, Coulombs, and net force,

>From: "S. Hieber" <shieber@yahoo.com>
>Reply-To: AGA Aquascaping Contest Planning <aga-contest@thekrib.com>
>To: AGA Aquascaping Contest Planning <aga-contest@thekrib.com>
>Subject: [AGA-Contest] Awards
>Date: Mon, 16 Jan 2006 14:27:48 -0800 (PST)
>Have all of the awards been taken care of?
>AGA-Contest mailing list

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