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Re: [AGA-Contest] AGA-Contest Digest, Vol 35, Issue 1

Phil wrote:

>>Getting to the point of the original discussion though, why not give
people the option of submitting non-competition photos if they want?  I
can't imagine that folks who have more than three rounds of aquascapes to
show wouldn't choose the best aquascapes for competition anyway.  Using
myself as an example again, I know I would have used a "Comment Only" option
liberally in the past. 

The only aquascape I did in order to compete was the little West African
setup in 2003.  I would have been just as happy clicking the Comments Only
box on all my others entries and potential entries.  If such an option were
available this year I'd use it.  I know my setups will never be competitive
again but damned if I don't want to put as many aquascapes in the show as I
can.  I've never expected any of my aquascapes to place, for me it's about
supporting the organization.   

Would there be a significant work/time investment involved in setting up the
entry process to separate the judge/don't judge entries?  All I see is the
box on the user end and know nothing about the work behind it.

I agree with Karen, using some sort of pre-screening or consensus between
the judges about which are the top X number of tanks that actually get
judged would be a good idea, especially since we don't get to see our
scores.  If it gave the judges more time to comment on each entry all the
better. <<

But that's the point, Phil, _I_ don't have time to write meaningful comments
on a bunch of entries that are not part of the contest; particularly when
they are the second-string work of people who have already entered their
best work in the contest.  Since _I_ am one of the only judges who has
consistently written comments for _every_ entry... I believe Amano was the
only other judge who did this, interestingly enough,  I am sure the other
judges will not bother to comment on tanks that are not even included in the
judging.  The judging of these contests is a HUGE amount of work.  We
can't/shouldn't make it any harder for the judges than it already is, or we
won't be able to get competent judges at all.  

And cutting down the number of tanks that need to be "judged" doesn't mean
cut down on scoring and increase commentary.  It's the comments that take so
much time.


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