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Re: [AGA Member] Fish ID- AGA Convention Trip

I believe they are most commonly, currently, called Puntius
denisonii , but those things change from time to time.

They're also called redline SAEs and torpedo fish. But the
latin will zero you in best.

They're beauties but awfully expensive if you can find

Scott H.
--- Aaron Glass <aglass@wi.rr.com> wrote:
> I am trying to identify a fish species that was at a LFS
> in the Dallas area that I saw during our AGA convention
> field trip. I have photos but no name to go along with
> it. Does anybody have the name? Click on the link below
> for photos of the fish that I took while on the field
> trip.
> http://www.jeezman.com/aga_fishid.htm
> Thanks.
> Aaron 
> Aaron's Web Site- www.jeezman.com
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