Aaron Glass wrote: >> I am trying to identify a fish species that was at a LFS in the Dallas area that I saw during our AGA convention field trip. I have photos but no name to go along with it. Does anybody have the name? Click on the link below for photos of the fish that I took while on the field trip.<< As Erik and Scott told you they are Puntius denisonii, though the Genus name is somewhat up in the air. "Puntius" is the Cyprinid equivalent of "Cichlisoma". It is a genus that they have put fish into when they haven't known quite what to do with them.<g> They are still expensive, but the price is coming down. Initially, they didn't ship well, probably because they were wild caught and imported at full adult size, which ia about half again as long as the ones we saw at the convention, and fuller bodied. Now large shipments of very uniformly sized smaller fish are coming in from Taiwan, which makes me wonder whether someone is breeding them. I have had my original 3 for over a year and a half now, and my newer 5 for 6 months. They have been trouble-free for me once home and acclimated, and remain just as beautiful even at full adult size. I learned with my original group that 3 is not enough. They don't bother other fish at all, but are very scrappy among themselves. You need a good sized herd to spread their quarrels out. They are big and fast, so I wouldn't recommend them for a tank smaller than a 4 foot 70G (that's what mine are in)...a 6 foot tank would probably be best. Guessing from the early shipping problems, and the occasional kills I've heard about, I suspect they need a fairly high oxygen content in the water. Although they are occasionally listed as "Crossocheilus denisonii", (you'll see them in the Baensch Atlas that way, although it's a CRUMMY photo) I haven't seen ANY signs of them eating algae of any kind, though there's not much algae in their tank, either. OTOH, unlike many larger barbs, neither have they bothered even the fine-leaves plants in the tank. There are at least two distinct varieties. One type has a solid red dorsal fin, while the other has a black spot at the base of the dorsal fin. My older 3 are the type with the dorsal spot, while the others are the all red dorsal variety. My first thought was that perhaps the black spot developed with age, but the spot has not appeared on my younger ones, even though they've grown a lot. My guess now is that this is a locality variation, as the fish appear the same in all other ways. They accept each other as school-mates without difficulty. The smaller ones coming in from Taiwan seem to all be the ones with completely red dorsal fins. I think that's what we saw in Dallas. If you spend much time with them, you quickly see that they have only a superficial resemblance to SAE's. They are deeper bodied, but more laterally compressed, and the mouth is not as down-turned. Their swimming pattern is very different... They don't do the "diagonal hang in the water" thing that is a hall mark characteristic of SAE's. They also stay in a more cohesive school than SAE's, even at larger sizes. They are more continuously active than SAE's too. My SAE's, once they are past babyhood, spend periods just sitting around when they aren't actively foraging. The denisonii are on the move most of the time, whether feeding or not. For Cyrinids, they are one of the more personable fish, and beg at the glass for food like a bunch of goldfish. Karen ------------------ To unsubscribe from this list, please send mail to majordomo@thekrib.com with "Unsubscribe aga-member" in the body of the message. Archives of this list can be found at http://lists.thekrib.com/aga-member/