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Re: [AGA-Member] Java moss it turning brownish.../reply

I've had Java moss in my aquarium for several years and it seems to do fine under normal fertilized conditions.  I'm sure I have over dosed the Fe several time with no obvious problems.  Temp is 77F/25C.
However,  I have been seeding it in my outside pond for years and it just turns brown, weak and flimsy.  My pond nutrients or generally NO3 and Fe limited.  Severely.  Having said that my gut feeling is the pond temp of 26 to 31 C during summer months.  
Hope that helps.

Amit Brucker <amitb@gteko.com> wrote:
I am experiencing lately a minor problem with Java moss in some of my tanks.
The plant seems to turn a bit brown and the growth is slowing down...
I'd like to also add that all other plants are flourishing and happy...
I suspect the there are several reasons for this:
1. The plant might suffer from over oxygenation?
2. Temperature is too high (30-32c)?
3. Surplus iron that the moss can't handle?

Any thoughts ?

Amit Brucker

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