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Re: [AGA-Member] AGA Convention DVD's now available

Hi eric 
Ordered one of each instantly it came up .10 min before  aga conference
survey . Offering discount. Not an issue but ordered on  line  succeeded on
fifth attempt. However  please check that it has  been received  as I guess
you will be involved in dipatch.   As no acknowlegement from site  .
Kind regards 

-----Original Message-----
From: aga-member-bounces@thekrib.com [mailto:aga-member-bounces@thekrib.com]
On Behalf Of Erik Olson
Sent: 29 November 2006 00:45
To: aga-member@thekrib.com; aquatic-plants@actwin.com
Subject: [AGA-Member] AGA Convention DVD's now available

The editing is done, the duplication ongoing through a snowbound Seattle
day... now you can own your very own copy of the talks from the
2006 AGA Convention!

I've just come off a marathon week of getting the darned thing finished,
especially the Iron Aquascaper Challenge (a 3-camera edit, down to
45 minutes). Now I'm ready to get some sleep.

It's a 2-disk set, just couldn't manage to fit 8 hours of material into a
single disk and have it look halfway decent. It ships in a slimline dual DVD
case. All seven talks are included (along with the questions & answers),
plus the aquascaping contest awards and the aforementioned Iron Aquascaper
Challenge, which is about as cool as it sounds. Order your copy via the AGA
online store at http://www.aquatic-gardeners.org/merch.html

Note: This is one of the few items that is available to AGA members only,
and we do check... so if you're not a member, you'll have to fork over an
extra twenty bucks (which will get you a year's membership in the US).

   -- Erik

PS: If you are registered on our online forum, you can read/post feedback
there:  http://forum.aquatic-gardeners.org/viewtopic.php?p=3713#3713

Erik Olson
erik at thekrib dot com
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