Greetings, Our local museum is setting up an exhibit to display invasive plant species that are raising havoc in our local waters.The project has been delayed, and this time of year the water is too cool to actually go collecting, unless you are a polar bear. They have requested my assistance in both obtaining certain species of plants and maintaining the planted aquarium itself. Although our efforts have produced some plants in collecting from local waters, there are few species we have not yet been able to obtain. Therefore, I am asking anyone from the group who would be willing to donate clippings to the museum. We have gotten permission from the powers that be in the state to have invasive species shipped here for purposes of the display only. They are specifically trying to obtain the following: Cabomba caroliniana Najas minor Potamogeton crispus If anyone can offer a few specimens we would be grateful. Of course, I will pay shipping. If you can help, please email me off list at _timchiro@aol.com_ ( Thank you **************Looking for simple solutions to your real-life financial challenges? Check out WalletPop for the latest news and information, tips and calculators. ( _______________________________________________ AGA-Member mailing list