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Re: Metronidazole

Dear Helen,

Thank you very much for this important information!  

I would like to know up to how many days should I continue this treatment!

Thanks again.


At 10:47 AM 1/2/00 -0000, you wrote:
>I hope the information below will be of help to you.  I 'pasted' the
>references from my file that already had been issued on this list.
>Use at 250 mg/10 gallons of water8 or 7 mg/liter1. Three administrations
>every other day, with a 20% water change before each dose is given.
>Pre-dissolve the compound in a cup of aquarium water, and then pour it in
>the aquarium.
>(extract from the site below)
>Dionigi has a excellent article on most of the health problems we encounter
>titled "Symptomatic treatment
>of common Discus diseases" which can be found at
>,http://aquaworldnet.com/awmag/symtreaten1.shtml and
>http://aquaworldnet.com/awmag/symtreaten2.shtml. The last part contains
>details of the use of flubenol as a treatment.
>> Does anyone know how to administer Metronidazole to treat intestinal
>> parasite of Dwarf Chiclids?  How much of this can be put to the water?
>> Thank you very much!  I hope to hear from you very much.
>> Edison Yap
>> Philippines
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