Ceal, I have a couple of questions, because you may not gain anything by getting more fish. are the eggs hatching? how big is your aquarium? what is the water like? I've had agas eat their eggs 15-20 consecutive times in the wrong conditions. In their own 20 gallon tank, with water of minimal hardness (80% rainwater), the same pair would breed like clockwork, tend fry and do all you could ask of a fish. When I had some F-2 agassizii Alenquer in a community (pH 7.4, 140ppm) all spawns were gone within 2 days. I put the same fish in a 20 gallon, 24 inch tank with the water I suggested (40ppm max, pH 6.6) and I now have three females guarding wrigglers. Rams? I never gotten around that one. :-) -Gary Ceal wrote: > > I live in central Mass. and looking for a good pair that will breed, and > tend fry... > > is there any place on line... (don't have car...) , I can get a good pair of > ram that will tend the fry... not eat them??? > or any dewarf cichilid that WILL tend the fry? > I got a good pair of ram, and aggazzizis, both big at eating eggs!!! I don't > like artifical hatching the eggs. > (because I am a full time high senior student, there's no way I can feed my > fish so many times a day, and I can't trust other people to feed the > fry...)(yes, my rams, and agazzizi spawn for me, but I don't have time to > remove eggs to hetch and feed wigglers 5 times a day..... ) > > Ceal > ---------------------------------------------------------------- > sushi is awsome as long as you don't know the fish! ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the apistogramma mailing list, apisto@listbox.com. For instructions on how to subscribe or unsubscribe or get help, email apisto-request@listbox.com. Search http://altavista.digital.com for "Apistogramma Mailing List Archives"!