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RE: Microworms (was BBS)

Does your method produce any odour?  The once I tried it  the smell was
disgusting and my wife was none too pleased, especially after I told her
that there were worms involved in there.  My recipe included using yeast
which was where most of the smell came from.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Phil Eaton [mailto:peaton@hotmail.com]
> Sent: Monday, February 21, 2000 16:08
> To: apisto@majordomo.pobox.com
> Subject: Re: Microworms (was BBS)
> Raf,
> I'm not familiar with the BBS, but I have kept microworms for 
> the last year. 
>   Of all the cultures I have, it is the most forgiving, and 
> the easiest to 
> propagate.  I got a starter from a guy locally, and now have 
> more than I 
> could ever use.
> To propagate the culture, I will use 1/4 cup of leftover 
> oatmeal (cooked), 
> add a slight amount of water (1 tsp.), and add just a dab 
> from the previous 
> culture. (just a couple of drops will do.)  Within a week, 
> you'll have the 
> little things from side to side and trying to crawl out the 
> vent holes in 
> the container.  One container I neglected for over 4 months, 
> and when I 
> opened the lid, they were a solid wriggling mass completely 
> covering the 
> oatmeal substrate!
> Phil Eaton
> ----Original Message Follows----
> From: "Raf Mols" <Raf.Mols@med.kuleuven.ac.be>
> As I'm not so familiar with the english language, I wonder if 
> BBS (bay brine
> shrimp???) is the same as artemia. If it is not the same, can 
> somebody 
> explain
> me what it is in how to obtain it. An other question is, how 
> I should grow
> microworms and were you can find a starter culture.
> Thanks in advance.
> By the way, are there other belgian apisto-mailing list users?
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