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RE: Ghost Shrimp


As you might have suspected, I have raised and bred ghost shrimp.
As you well know, when living in Florida all you need is a dip net for all
of the "grass" shrimp you can handle.  Because of this, after I had
successfully bred them and raised young, I designated that tank for other
breeding challenges.

 I started with about 20 individuals in a 10-gallon tank.  Like Master's
says feed them what you would any fish.  I used a spirulina flake because
that is what I was feeding a lot of back in the 80's.  I'm sure you remember
those days when I was an African rift lake FANATIC!   I found that sponge
filters were the best application in this situation and used a fluorescent
light source to grow algae.  Like crawfish (Procambarus sp.), I began to see
the females carry clusters of eggs under their tail.   What I wasn't
prepared for was that the once the young hatched they take on a
free-swimming larval form that looks nothing like the parents.  I would see
females without eggs and look for the babies and never find them.  Upon
closer inspection I finally came to see the schools of shrimp larvae in the
water column.  They are extremely small and extremely transparent.  Upon
seeing this I added cultured Euglena to the water often enough to keep the
whole tank tinged green and occasionally added powdered flake.  The fry
developed and eventually dropped out of the water column.  I didn't notice
any predation by the adult shrimp in the tank.  But, I soon added fish to
that tank and that was that.
Hope this helps...

Be good to yourself,
Brett Kemker, Ph.D.
Dept. of Communication Disorders
The Florida State University
Tallahassee, Fl. 32306-1200

-----Original Message-----
From: owner-apisto@admin.listbox.com
[mailto:owner-apisto@admin.listbox.com]On Behalf Of V Kutty
Sent: Monday, February 21, 2000 3:12 PM
To: apisto@majordomo.pobox.com
Subject: Re: Ghost Shrimp Was: Microworms

Does anybody have any tips on raising Ghost (or Grass) shrimp?

These shrimps are GREAT for conditioning dwarf pikes.  Everytime I stuff my
pikes with these shrimps, the fish spawn.  My aggies and bitaeniata also
love taking bites out of these shrimps.  I had a spare 20 with some plants
and algae, so I dumped about a dozen shrimps in there.  I have the Charles
O. Masters Encyclopedia of Live Foods and it says feed them what you would
any fish.
Have any of you tried breeding these things?


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