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Apistos and flake

> Do you remember the TV commercial about 'finicky Morris' the cat who would
> only eat 'Nine Lives'?  (Or maybe I'm showing my age. :) )  That's Apistos
> for you.  They can spit flakes faster than any other fish in the world.  I
> know that there are people on this list who have managed, painlessly
> apparently, to accustom their Apistos and other dwarves to eat flakes.  I
> have not, despite the fact that flakes were always available in the
> community tanks.  Ornery little buggers they are.  But all the more
> lovable for it.  ......grumble, grumble...
Don't worry about it. Some do, some don't. The best bitaeniata and 
steindachneri I've ever grown from wild caught babies were in a 
community tank fed mainly Aquarian flake with small amounts of 
chopped worm every couple of days.
Wild caught cacatuoides, on the other hand refused anything that 
wasn't moving. Even a wide range of frozen foods would be 
sampled and then treated with disdain.
Pete Liptrot
Bolton Museum Aquarium
Le Mans Crescent, Bolton BL1 1SE
01204 332200

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