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RE: Bay Area Contingent

Title: RE: Bay Area Contingent

I think there are a lot of us from the bay area on the list. I live in the Richmond district. If I had lots of free time I would suggest we meet up somewhere and swap tips and/or fish (local water conditioning, where to buy stuff, etc.). Unfortunately I have little free time, so you guys are on your own.


-----Original Message-----
From: Robert B. Hole, Jr. [mailto:rhole@interaktv.com]
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2000 10:55 PM
To: apisto@majordomo.pobox.com
Subject: Re: Bay Area Contingent

Dan and Sandy,
I'm in the east bay, and another d.c. novice, with a single tank of brand
new M. altaspinosa's. Between the three of us, we have SF surrounded.


Robert B. Hole, Jr.
R Hole Designs: http://www.interaktv.com/