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RE: cacatuoide fry

Hi,  A. cac. fry are easy to raise. Feed them baby brine shrimp,
Cyclops-eze, have lots of Java moss in their tank.  Do frequent small water
I've been adding Tetra tablet food which they seem to really like once they
are about 1/4 inch in size.
Keeping them with mom seems to improve the growth rate. I always remove dad
and any other fish from the tank.  Hope this helps.

-----Original Message-----
From: mickey3@intergate.ca [mailto:mickey3@intergate.ca]
Sent: Thursday, May 18, 2000 10:23 AM
To: apisto@majordomo.pobox.com
Subject: cacatuoide fry

Hi all. I've just had, on Tuesday, a new batch of double red A. cacatuoide
fry emerge from their coconut condo. I assumed something was up when the
female denied the male access to the condo. At any rate, what and when
should I start feeding the little darlings. They seem quite independant now
and appear to be nosing around the algae on the tank divider, although at
the first sign of trouble, they react quickly to mom's direction. Any
suggestions would be appreciated, as I've only raised Krib fry before, and
found them to be pretty self sustaining....thx, Mike.

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