On Wed, 15 May 2002, Adam G wrote: > > I wasn't sure who to email regarding this: > > It's been a while since the "search" option at the top of the archive page > has worked for me. Are other members having trouble with this? That'd be me. I've been having trouble with the automatic search rebuild ever since I upgraded the box to redhat 7.2 (which has htdig built-in as opposed to compiled by myself). For some reason, when the search database is refreshed (2nd time), it always page faults in the middle & I have to delete everything and start again. This is every 10 days (gak), on the 1st, 10th and 20th of every month. One of these days I'll upgrade the poor Krib from being a 120 mhz pentium to something faster. But such is life! It's rebuilding from scratch now, should be done by the end of the day if we're lucky. How's that for total apisto irrelevance? :) - Erik -- Erik Olson erik at thekrib dot com ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is the apistogramma mailing list, apisto@listbox.com. For instructions on how to subscribe or unsubscribe or get help, email apisto-request@listbox.com. apisto-digest@listbox.com also available. Web archives at http://lists.thekrib.com/apisto