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Re: Maulbruter Fry

Rich and I were just talking about the same thing.. we decided to co-author
the article (providing that his female comes out with fry!).
 Plus, I owe the ASG an article from the mid 80's.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike & Diane Wise" <apistowise@fgn.net>
To: <apisto@listbox.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 12, 2002 9:43 PM
Subject: Re: Maulbruter Fry

> Sal,
> The ASG would gladly publish it - with color photos & all!
> Mike Wise
> salS wrote:
> > Thanks John.. I think this experience warrants an article.. At this
> > she's terrorizing the male, I might have to get  him out! (they're in a
> > GL tank)..you figure??!! Oh, by the way..small spawn..8-10 fry.
> >
> > Sal
> >
> >
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