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Re: columbian apistos...


Most of the apistos coming out of Colombia are collected the areas near the
Orinoco & along the Rio Meta. Expect to see A. macmasteri/viejita, various forms
of A. hongsloi, , A. iniridae, A. sp. Breitbinden. If you are really lucky you
might find A. sp. Cutthroat/Blutkehl, A. sp. Sailfin/Segelflossen, A. sp.
Four-stripes/Vierstreifen, A. sp. White-seam/Weißsaum, & other less common

Mike Wise

the dude wrote:

> Hello,
> A local wholesaler is getting a box of 200 assorted apistos from a Colombian
> distributor. What kinds of apistos can I expect to see? What should I look
> for?
> (just incase some of you have had similar situations)
> coby
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