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Re: San Jose

Blue Dolphin Kathy
Soft Water Dwarf Cichlids
David Soares & Uwe Romer
14697 S Bluegrass LN
Sisters Or    97759
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kathy Olson" <kathy@thekrib.com>
To: <apisto@listbox.com>
Sent: Friday, September 13, 2002 7:17 AM
Subject: San Jose

> Forgive me please for sending this to the whole list, but I was curious
> what stores/breeders that you would rec seeing in San Jose area.  I think
> we have an hour or two of unaccounted time when we go down to the PCCA
> tomorrow, so it would be fun to explore.
> Also if you happen to have a fish room/fish you would like to share with a
> quick tour, let us know!!  Email back privately your phone number and I
> will try to make it home from work before 9pm tonight, and give a call.
> It would be fun to see someone else's fish room!!
> Thanks!!
> Kathy
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