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Kribensis and Eunotus

Ok, I'm likely going to get a resounding, unanimous,
"NO!" from the list on this ... but .. I just have to

Has anyone successfully kept Apisto's with Kribensis
in a twenty gallon long?  

The Apisto's are A. cf. eunotus, one male, three
females.  These have a nice heirarchal structure as it
is, the largest female spawns with the male every six
weeks or so.  I love them.  Currently they live in a
ten gallon, the twenty is arriving for XMas.  

I was dreaming that I could add a very young pair of
Kribs (under 1.5", but sexable) to the new setup. 
Lots of plants, a shoal of four N. beckfordi for
target practice, lots of PVC, driftwood, and pottery
to make everyone happy and encourage the fish to split
up the ground and establish their own territories.  

So am I hallucinating or has it been done?  Can't wait
to hear everyone's thoughts/rants.  

[One more thing, I thought A. eunotus was polygamous? 
My A. cf. eunotus "Orangeschwanz" have had no such
inclinations!  Perhaps it's space related ... ]


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