Hello Matt I ended up buying my bags from www.associatedbags.com. I bought a case ( 1000 ) 5 X 24 and a case of 8 X 24s. Both are really good quality bags.. I am very happy with the quality of their bags. It ended up costing me only $87 for the 2 cases with shipping. But that was also a 20% discount for my first time purchase.... the 5x24 were $39 and the 8x24 were $50.... plus shipping was $15. would have cost me $104 if i didnt have that initial discount. Reason for buying these sized bags is that they make perfect apisto bags..... 2 of the 5x24's fit into a 8x24 bag just fine.. i like the longer bag because i can tie the bags rather then using rubber bands.... i can make a nice neat tighter firm bag by tying them instead of using rubber bands..... I need Rich Grenfell to teach how he makes such nice firm bags using rubber bands.... John ----------------------------------------------------------------------- -- This is the apistogramma mailing list, apisto@listbox.com. For instructions on how to subscribe or unsubscribe or get help, email apisto-request@listbox.com. apisto-digest@listbox.com also available. Web archives at http://lists.thekrib.com/apisto Trading at http://blox.dropship.org/mailman/listinfo/apisto_trader