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Re: Paraguay and Amazonas


It was good to hear some positive response. I agree, DNA will greatly help in our understanding of this complex genus. I think that in the end that we will see many species are rapidly evolving new species while others are relatively stable. I think that A. sp. Courting-spot/Balzfleck is one of the end products to living a cryptic life for apistos. A. sp. Chao is on the same road, but truthfully is a typical pertensis-complex species. It does not show reversed sexual dimorphism, as Römer claims, but it is close.

Mike Wise

Per Wigstal wrote:


Thanks for the detailed answer! Very interesting reading. I also think that all you have written are possible scenarios, when looking at the development of species.
Would be interesting to see if any DNA research will clear the picture of the relation between the apisto species.

By mentioning "specialised species", I´m thinking about the A.Diplotaeina, Mouth brooder, Ap Chao and the "Courtship spot"- species. I think that they must be relatively specialised in different ways.

Best regards/ Per

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