>The best current book on dwarf cichlids is Linke & Staeck's American >CIchlids 1 (Tetra Press). A new arrival with many more new species is the >Aqualog series, printed in Germany. As it turns out, I know the guy who has the exclusive Canadian rights to Aqualog. Nice magazines: <A HREF="http://www.aquaria.net/aqualog/">http://www.aquaria.net/aqualog/</A> >I'm not sure about the rules of this >mailing list. Some prohibit commercial transactions, so I won't post my >phone number, but I'll send it to you in a separate email. I'm not in the >business -- I am a hobbyist interested in widening the interest in dwarfs. "If it's about apisto's, it belongs on this list". Commercialism of Apisto's should be encouraged, I should think.