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Re: Fwd: Re: Water Softener question

Ed Pon writes:

>The importance of finding out exactly when spawning has taken place
>is because in my experience, most apistos are quite inclined toward eating
>their eggs if they are not removed on the first or maybe the second day.

Thanks for a very informative and interesting message (as usual), Ed. But 
my experience with Apisto parents and eggs is different. The majority of 
my Apistos have proved to be good parents, including pandurini, nijsenni, 
agassizi, macmasteri, eunotus, resticulosa, cacatuoides and bitaeaniata. 
Two species have not been good parents: steindachneri and hippolytae 
(both from the same Apisto group). These eat their eggs before they 
hatch, but I salvaged nearly 100 steindachneri fry when I removed the 
eggs and tended them in a small clean container.

Most of my tanks are also overgrown with plants. My water is unmodified 
R/O, so it's very soft and a bit acid. For pandurini and nijsenni I've 
used Waters of the World (Amazon flavor) with good success.

I agree with your comments about pandurini doing well in pairs. OTOH, my 
pandurinis have not suffered from the open mouth disease you described 
(fingers crossed).

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Pete Johnson  /  San Jose, CA  /  petej@wordsanddeeds.com
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