Michael, I would also be interested in some T. candida down the road if you have success. I have A. caetei fry about two months old, A. borelli wigglers, C. festivum fry about a week old, and P. altispinnosa that have spawned in a 55 gallon without success (I plan to move them to their own 20 gallon after I return from a business trip latter this week.) Let me know if you want to propose some trades sometime. I'm also interested in any other proposals for trades from others on this list. I have four lonesome A. aggassizii males (red morph) and four Apistogramma U2 males. I haven't pinned the U2's down yet, but they are NOT A. cacatuoides. They look a bit like cacatuides in the body, but they don't have the dorsal and caudal fin extensions or markings of cacatuoides. I'd love to get females to go with these fish. Don - ------------------------------------------------------------------ Donald Nute Professor and Head, Department of Philosophy (706) 542-2823 Director, Artificial Intelligence Center (706) 542-0358 The University of Georgia FAX (706) 542-2839 Athens, Georgia 30602, U.S.A http://ai.uga.edu/faculty/nute