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As we speak, I am watching my apisot cacatuoides laying eggs
on the side of the tank! Go figure, I provide 1000 
caves, and she puts theminthe back corner on the glass.
Right now in the 10g, my other female has a small brood that is
about 2 days away from free swimming. Now, I was thinking,
should I remove my male to a large 30g tank so he
wont add any stress?? Or just leave him. Later this week I plan
on geting a 20g  Long and plant it up for the new home of these
apistos, and use the 10g for whatever. Dunno, anyways, to move the male
or leave him?? Lemme know what you experts think. SO far I have
had 2 hatchs only make as far as the 2nd day of free swimming.
Then again, my trio of apistos are all under an inch in size,
amnd very young.

|     Michael W. McGrath    |
|    mcgrath@citilink.com   |
| www.citilink.com/~mcgrath |