Hey apisto nuts.............Take a look at this......The discus people and all of those have nothing on us now!!! We have our own web page. Put this one in your bookmark page: http://www.geocities/Heartland/Plains/7918/ Dave is intending to make this the web page for apistos the place to be: Any questions just call Dave and ask any and all questions. If you would like to E-mail Dave we'll have to do it for the moment through mjacobs@cat.pinellas.k12.fl.us . Until we catch Dave up to the 20th Century with a computer this will do fine...... ;-). Note that the majority of the pics are in B&W instead of color.........the alternative to this was to hold off on the unveiling.....so to speak.....until my color scanner was out of the shop........so here we are in living B&W......for the moment. Color will be real soon! More pictures will be real soon, more articles will be real soon.....come on back all of the time.......we hope you like it. Let us know what you want on the page!!! Mike Jacobs ....................... mjacobs@cat.pinellas.k12.fl.us ********************************************* Sent via CAT Online, a tool of The Center For Advanced Technologies. Please visit us at http://www.cat.pinellas.k12.fl.us. *********************************************