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Re: Nutrition

On 09/28/97 at 08:00 p, "Ed Pon" <edpon@hotmail.com> said:

> Sept 1997 Tropical Fish Hobbyist  Catfish Corner Column.  
> tested were a
>commercial flake food, salmon starter  number 0, Larval AP100, a
>fry food, and newly-hatched brine shrimp.   Slowest growth and
>lowest survivability were among fry receiving only  flake food. 
>High growth but low survival rate were seen with madtom cat  fry
>receiving only newly-hatched brine shrimp. The highest survival
>rate  were achieved with salmon starter.  Best growth rate was
>achieved with a  combination of salmon starter and brine shrimp. 

Gee, I wish they would have added microworms, vinager eels,
paramecia and other live foods to the darned comparison.  Maybe
daphnae dead of old age too.  And would we like that data for

- -- 

Dave Gomberg, FormMaestro!                     http://www.wcf.com