Hi all, I'm new to this list, and wanted to ask the subsribers for some help. Until '85, as a biology student in the Netherlands, I was a fanatic Apistogramma freak, following all scientific literature of that moment, new discoveries etc. But, I left the fish and started studying and working with malaria in South America. Although on the right continent, had very little time to mess around with fish, other than for food. Finally I have some stability, and have decided to catch up with these wonderful fish. Now I am living in Acre State, Brazil, Souther-Western part of the Amazon region. To catch up with taxonomy, could you people give me some references on books, publication etc. that I should have on this topic ? Due to the many moves I make for my work, I have hardly any of my old papers with me now, only the Kullander's reprints until '85. I realize a lot of things happened in South American Cichildae taxonomy during the last 12 years, and would like to update my knowledge. Scientific papers are ok, since I think I can still handle fish morphology. Thanks in advance for your help. Jaco Voorham Caixa Postal 1255 69900-250 Rio Branco - Acre Brazil