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Re: My first APISTO!

I'm sure the Aqualog book has a picture or five.  Yet another source for
the Aqualog book: Pet Warehouse has them listed in their latest catalogs.
If you want to be an anal species identifier, you should have this book
(unfortunately, it's $40-50).  Oh yeah, there's a picture of a male in
Linke & Staek too.

   - Erik

On Wed, 5 Nov 1997, rick gomes wrote:

> I finally did it!  I was in a store yesterday and found a beautiful little 
> Apisto. He/She?? was labeled as A. Commbrae and even though that is not a sp. 
> that I had been interested in it is a beauty.  I would like to confirm the sp. 
> though as I am anal that way. Does anyone know where I can find a pic of one?

- ---
Erik D. Olson					         amazingly, at home