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Apistogramma trifasciata

About two weeks ago I ordered at a nearby store two pairs of Apistos,
one of them listed under the name of A. broad band.

Well, once they arrived to the store, it was quite evident that they
were not the "breitbinden", since they lacked the lyrate tail and only
the first few dorsal fin rays were well developed.

So, it seems to me that instead they are very close to A. trifasciata.
Taking as a reference the picture on page 149 of the book by Linke and
Staeck (the short-finned form of A. trifasciata) , the male I have is
nearly identical, except for the fact that the dorsal fin is more
developed (but not as much as the incredible one on page 147) and that
the "third", ventral line is not visible.

Here is my question: from the book it appears that A. trifasciata is
characterized by some amount of variability. Is the ventral line a
characteristic that may not be visible in some individuals?  Should I
instead think of some other species?

Anyway, that purchase worked great for me. They spawned barely a week
after I got them, and now the female is watching a very large cloud of
fry! In addition, the store gave me for free a pair of A. Njesseni since
I politely asked them to see if the relatively high price I paid was
justified for a less uncommon species! Not bad al all!

Any suggestions?

Dionigi Maladorno