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Re: Way mad dad?!?!?

When I first started keeping Apistos in 1992-93 I was given advice from
David Soares to keep a few males and females together. I didn't feel
comfortable with this after having spawned many fish during the previous
years before. I tried his way. I lost males and females alike. The dominate
males would kill the sub-dominate males and the spawning female would kill
any other females in the tank! I learned my lesson and decided to follow my
instincts from now on. The only exception to this rule was with my A.
steindachneri. Of course the dominate male killed the other 2 males but he
did spawn with each of the other 3 females who didn't bother one another. In
fact, who ever had fry at the time took care of the newer free swimmers. Who

Even with my corys, most of the time it is one on one. Now they don't kill
each other off like cichlids, but they do spawn much better at times when it
is 1 on 1.

Just my input.
