Folks...... Something to think about. Several months ago a member of our local club went on a collecting trip to the Amazon....Rio Negro area. He has since left town for L.A. and left me with 75 or so fish he collected himself on his trip. The fish turned into a mixed bag of unsexed A.Aggies, A.gibbiceps, probably A.pertensis, L. curviceps, festivum(spelling?), A. ???????? (smallish pretensis complex???)...and a bunch of nifty tetras. OBSERVATION: All of the fish save one curviceps were absolute juvenile fish.....I of the aggies, a male was showing some red on the dorsal and caudal fins but at a TOTAL length of about 1 1/2"...max 2" anyone would say well he's just the first to bloom and the others will start to "show" soon. I had the fish in a 30 gallon....that's right.....75 fish in a 30 gallon....that's how small these fish were.......a perfect mix....everyone was one was getting hurt despite the almost constant bickering and displaying among what probably will turn out to be the males. Anyway there were two female aggies that turned butter yellow.....I pulled the male aggie and the two butter yellow aggis out thinking that well I have to start to seperate these fish.....might as well start with the obvious. I'm thinking....too small to really breed but OK....I threw them in a 10 gallon tank and 4 days latter he spawned with both of the females .....different places in the tank......and about 24 hours difference....but both spawned. Here's the point.......these fish are only as big as some of the caudal fins of some of my "grown" aggies.......a slight exageration, but only to make the point. Vinny.....the guy that went on the trip..... say that there were no adult fish ....what we would call be had! CONCLUSION: these fish will spawn MUCH earlier than at least I think!! MUCH fact, what I am calling a full blown adult may well be almost "over-the-hill" as a wild fish. Folks, I told Vinny the aggies spawned and he all but called me a liar..... that's how small these fish were..........comments?????? Marco......what do you think? You're out there in the wild! Am I cherishing these what may turn out to be OLD GRANDPA's??? I talk too much......... Vinny took reading in the Amazon river tributaries....pH, etc.......we'll talk later!!! Mike