Heather wrote: << Belly sliders? Say what? Translation please. <:) >> Belly sliders are fry that fail to properly develop a swim bladder. This is common among kiliies and I gave up on SA annuals because I could not figure out what was causing it. It happens to the whole batch, or just a few out of the batch. In a bare-bottom tank they will slide along the bottom, dragging their bellies in the mulm. They are incapable of resting off the bottom, and expend a great deal of energy when swimming. I am findinfg that I should not siphon fry until they are free-swimming at least three days, maybe even longer, in order to prevent it. Moving eggs should be okay, though, as I have not had the problem when hatching artificially. I was at Dave Soares' house last February and he had a batch of belly sliders he was blaming on thermal shock due to using cold water during water changes. Bob Dixon