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Decapsulated Brine Shrimp

 Erik Olson <eriko@wrq.com>
Wrote: <<<<<<
We bought one bottle of "shelless" type, and will try it soon... also
interested in any "tips" you may have on this one.>>>>>>

and Leo Reinhard wrote:
I found an article entitled " Decapsulation of Artemia Cysts " at the
site of San Francisco Bay Brand Inc.If anyone is interested , their URL

I have been decapsulating brine shrimp eggs for a few months now, with
very good results.
I followed the instructions for the topless BBS method found at:


I just duplicate the water and bleach amount, to be able to use a batch
one tablespoon of eggs, instead of the suggested one teaspoon.
A cheap, unscented bleach works just fine. It takes much less time than
I thought.
After decapsulation and rinsing, I store the eggs in a saturated salt
solution, obtaining
my own "Artemia Revolution" formulation. A tablespoon of decapsulated
eggs in a 
re-cycled Artemia Revolution bottle (the larger size) lasts for more
than a month, at the 
daily seeding rate of ~15 drops in a 0.5 liter water bottle. Enough to
feed 3-4 small tanks 
once (with powdered food supplements for another 1-2 feedings/day).
Another advantage (besides cost) is that the Artemia revolution cysts
produce quite large
larvae, while I decapsulate Salt Lake cysts, which produce much smaller

Dionigi Maladorno