Hi Steve, I'm on my 3rd generation or so of these fish. At first, I was told to be very cautious about water changes (i.e. keep the temp. identical) but over time I relaxed a little and have never had any probelems. I stopped pHing my water as well, but they get primarily DI H2O with a touch of tap to warm it up and provide a few ppm, and then I add blackwater extract (either Tetra or Kent; they don't add in any buffering capacity like H2O's of the World). I currently have two tanks of fry growing out, one tank has about 1/2 DI + 1/2 tap, and the other is totally local tap (which runs about 100-180 ppm). I have had females try to spawn in the "tap tank", but to no avail, so I do believe that they need the water to be very soft for egg/fry viability. I agree with Tom that they can be very mean, but I have had 1-2 pairs in 10 gal tanks do just fine - as usual, it just depends on the compatibility of the pair. I have also had a few annihilations, so do what Tom says, be cautious and keep them in a large group if you can. Mine are also lousy parents (though my starter pairs were actually worse parents than their offspring, which seems a bit counterintuitive to me). I would reccommend taking away the parents after the fry have been free-swimming for about a week. I have noticed that after a few spawns they seem to rapidly "poop out" in that department, as well. (Any comments on this, Tom?). Good luck with them, and if I think of anything else I'll let you know, Lisa