I know this isn't about apistos, but maybe someone out there can answer my question. At an auction last Fall I got some fish called "Lemon Forest Jewels". They were small and looked like Hemichormis cristatus, the dwarf Forest Jewel. As they grew, they got larger than H. cristatus, about the size of the common jewel in the hobby. After checking Loiselle's key to the genus Hemichormis in an old Buntbarsche Bulletin, they keyed out to be H. lifalili, except that, when in brood dress, the area above the anal fin up to about mid-flank isn't bright red, but olive-yellow. The rest of the body was bright red with metallic blue spots just like H. lifalili. They don't have a caudal spot, only a bold opercular spot and a narrow, less prominent, oval patch slightly above and behind mid-flank. The flank spot has a pale gold halo around it, much fainter than that seen on H. cristatus. When out of brood dress that are a pinkish olive color and the halo around the flank spot remains visible. Any information/history on this fish would be greatly appreciated. Mike Wise