Hi everyone, I just joined this list because I recently started up a tank of my own. I have had experience with fish before, my family raised a tank with angelfish, swordtails and several others. When we moved we were forced to donate the angels to a friend with a bigger tank. They had lived succesfully with us for four years. At this moment I have a tank equipped with a power filter that contains one molly, one platy, two neon tetras, and a very large apple snail. My questions are, what else can I put in my tank, I'm looking for something colorful and fairly nonagressive. The Molly is my most aggresive fish, it attacks the heater, filter, live plant(Elodeus Densa) and the snail. Also, what kinds of plants will my snail not eat? I feed it cucumber, and it seems to enjoy taking fish flakes from my hand! I enjoy my snail, it is very active, and besides looks cool. I don't want to get rid of it, but it makes a mess a destroys the plant.