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Re: New Fish Room

You will have plenty space in a 16'x16' but make room for your needs.  i.e.
workbench, chair and a radio as you will be spending hours in there each
1.    A sink
2.    Brine shrimp hatchery for all the apisto fry.
3.    Ensure all electrical sockets are installed above the top tier.
4.    Fans on the roof to circulate the hot air.
5.    Tanks lighting on a time switch.
6.    Extractor fan.
Best of luck.
-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Jacobs <mikejacobs@ij.net>
>What I would like to ask of you guys is if this were your new room what 1
>2 things would you insist on in terms of making a fish-room
>work............to raise apisto's of course.....;-)....this is an apisto

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