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RE: One casualty...

Ya know...
maybe if you bought a whole bunch of extension tubing for the Python water
ah, never mind.

-----Original Message-----
From: William Vannerson [mailto:William_Vannerson@ama-assn.org]
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 1999 12:09 PM
To: apisto@admin.listbox.com
Subject: Re: One casualty...

>>Don't want to move again soon do you? <<

1. Overlap possesion of new residence and old by several weeks.
2. Buy all new equipment... delivered.
3. Sell old home to fish hobbyist with tanks included
4. Set up tanks several weeks in advance of move.
5. Bag and move fish
6. Move furnature & clothes
7. Oh, yea.  Move family

Ahh..  If only we lived in a perfect world...


Bill Vannerson
McHenry, IL

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