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Re: Dwarf cichlid question


I doubt that the Rams would breed in the same tank with A. cacatuoides unless it
was very, very large > 8 feet long. Males of highly polygamous species like A.
cacatuoides have been reported to defend tanks over 2 meters long. Rams really
don't like a lot of disturbances when breeding or they will eat their eggs/fry.
Being smaller than male cacatuoides, and much less aggressive they wouldn't do
very well and definitely be out competed in every way. I'd try A. cacatuoides
with a dwarf Laetacara or maybe Bolivian Rams.

Mike Wise

Walter Igharas wrote:

> I am very curious and interested in the butterfly Ram and Cuckatoo.
> I was wondering if it is possible to have a pair of both species
> in a single tank. If it is possible what would be the minimum required
> tank
> size be? Also what types of plants are suitable for the both species to
> feel comfortable?
> Thanks.
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