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Re: Re:

Will, Mike and everyone
Hi, I got home from Cleveland about an hour ago from the OCA Cichlid
Extravaganza.   WOW!!!!!!!!   

I rode out from Syracuse NY with 2 buddies and got there around 7am
saturday, yes we drove through the night.   Anyways, once again the OCA
put on one heck of a cichlid show and auction.   Things were so good
that I had filled 4 large styros with fish before this morning when the
auction began.   My travelling mates and myself completely filled a van
with boxes of fish.  
Now as to where you can find Apistos and westies, they were in Cleveland
with a vengence.   I saw several of the rarer species available from
room sales and in the auction today.   If you want to find these guys,
convention workshops like these are the place to go without having fish
shipped to you from wholesalers, breeders and fellow hobbyests.   For
example, I came home with 2pairs of Aggie Red/Golds, 3 pairs of
Borellis, 1pair of Bitaeniata ( finally), different stock of double red
Cacatuoides to help strengthen my lines, Pel Taen  Kienke,  Pel Taen
Nyete and tons of Victorians ( my other love cichlid wise).   Well its
back to putting things away, I was just taking a break.   

To any OCA members reading this, Thank you for the wonderful weekend.
I'll be back in July for the ACA and in November again for the
Extraganza.   If you have never been to Cleveland for a cichlid show
folks, go, these people treat you great.  

John Wubbolt

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