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Re: Housekeeping and some more general comments

Morning Everyone,

I've been cheating, reading the posts on the archives rather than waiting
for the digest version to arrive. I'd just like to make some housekeeping
comments -

The list is available in two formats - as separate messages and as a digest.
Please make sure that you are subscribed to the version that you wish to
get. The problem that many of you on the "regular (separate message)
version" of the list had with my e-mail address showing up in the "reply"
area rather than "aga-contest@thekrib.com" has been fixed by Erik.

Archives of the list are avaiable at the following URL:
http://lists.thekrib.com/aga-contest/ . If you have just joined us, please
review the messages already posted - there aren't many, but it might bring
everyone up to speed and prevent duplication.

Now, onto the "meat and potatoes"...

One thing I'd like to make very clear up front is that I hope this can be
organized as an AGA event. I know that perhaps not everyone here is
currently a member of the organization but the "fit" between the stated
purpose of the AGA and my vision for this "contest/showcase" seems, to me at
least, to be perfect. Anyone who disagrees with me can state their opinion,
but let's not start a slagging match about AGA vs APD. They are different
things entirely. [Implied _end_ of discussion!]

Timeframes - I don't expect that announcements for this contest will be
going out anytime soon - not on the scale of the next few weeks anyway. This
has to be organized correctly and to do that is going to take a while. If it
is to be a success, it is also going to have to be promoted - and by
promotion I mean much more than an announcement on the APD and perhaps
USENET. I would like us to be able to, once we are ready, issue notices to
the major magazines, both in the US and in the UK if possible, announcing
the contest, giving the details and inviting submissions. Print magazines
have long lead times that must be taken into consideration. There is also
the possibility of sending out notices to Pet/Aquarium stores and Aquarium
Clubs, or having folks from this list contacting their local organizations,
to promote the idea of the contest. This will take time to do - so let's not
get excited about WHEN just yet. [I'd prefer if we not even address this
issue YET - we have too much else to cover first.]

As I see it, we have the following covered, or in progress:

1. This is going to be an Aquascaping Competition, open to aquarists
2. The scope of the contest is the Planted Freshwater Aquarium. [this
automatically rules out Marine Reef Tanks, and I suggest that pretty photos
of backyard Ponds also be ruled out as the focus is Aquascaping, not
necessarily Photography. But I'm open to discussion on this latter point,
should anyone have something to say.]
3. Submissions should be acceptable in as many formats as is possible to be
inclusive of as many people as possible. This will mean that we will accept
hard copy photographs, in various sizes; transparencies (of whatever size
and format Erik and/or others are capable of handling); as well as
electronic images.
4. Notice is to be made that images may be adjusted for colour, contrast and
brightness, but that "altered" or "doctored" images will be automatically
rejected [the decision will rest with the Judges and/or Erik, who has the
experience to tell the difference].
5. All submissions are non-returnable - so we will have to inform people to
only submit copies of their originals or accept the fact that they aren't
going to be getting the originals back.
6. All submissions shall become the property of the AGA [again, should the
AGA accept the proposal] and that body has the right to publish any or all
entries in any format they see fit [electronic, on the WWW at the AGA
web-site; CD-ROM, which will be sold; in print either in TAG, the AGA
publication, or in any othe print publication (e.g. AFM, AJ, etc.)] to
promote either the contest or the AGA. Any published photographs will list
the name of the aquascaper/photographer in a credit line - but no other form
of payment will be made.
7. Erik may publish all entries on the AGA web-site.
8. We need a "point of contact" for the contest, possibly multiple "points
of contact" - one for information only, another for either information
and/or submission of entries. As it appears that Erik is the one with the
ability to handle the scanning of both prints AND slides, I suggest that he
would be the logical point for "Submission of Entries". I can handle any
electronic requests for information (e-mail). Listing too many "information
sources" and/or multiple places where enteries may be submitted would only
cause confusion - and could lead to slightly different versions of the
information being given out and/or submissions getting lost in the mail.
Full details could also be placed on the AGA web-site.

Have I missed anything covered so far? Please let's not move to anything new
until we can all agree on the above. If we start trying to cover too many
things at once we'll never get anywhere.


James Purchase