Well, we certainly are generating a lot of ideas. And getting a lot of good input to boot. Until now, I have been careful not to try and direct either the conversation or limit discussion of any point (and I know that I have been guilty on more than one occassion for going on and on and on...). Anyway, we must be careful that we don't get too many topics out on the floor for discussion at any one time. The tendancy then might be to miss some important points which should be decided upon first and could affect issues that come up later. Let's be logical in all of this. It should also make it easier for folks to follow. As the unofficial _chair_ (_whip_ might be more like it), I reserve the right to set the adjenda of this forum. And I'm about to do just that. Please don't introduce any _new_ issues until we have finished our discussion of and decided upon the things which are already on the floor. So far, we have discussed a number of points: A. Nature of the Beast - contest/showcase/whatever - This is pretty much over. This "thing" will have aspects of both Contest and Showcase and they are not mutually exclusive nor overly competative. I think that the majority of contributors here are comfortable with this dual nature. If you are not, please say your bit and let's reach a concencus. B. Scope of the Beast - - Entries are to be limited to images of Freshwater Planted Aquariums. Ponds and Marine Aquariums are excluded. The focus of the event is on Aquascaping not Photography. However, as all enteries will be photographs of some sort - the quality of the photography is going to play a very important part. Let's accept the fact and move on. C. Endorsement / Backing - - Our porposal, once ready, shall be submitted to the AGA MC for consideration and acceptance/rejection as an official AGA event. The AGA MC may either accept it, reject it, or request that we ammend it. We will cross that bridge when we get to it. I shall prepare the submission, based upon the material we discuss/decide upon. The submission shall be posted to the list prior to being submitted to the AGA MC, for final discussion, and to allow for any necessary adjustment the group may feel necessary. D. Name of the Beast - - several have been suggested but this is still open for discussion 1. The Aquatic Gardeners Association On-line Aquascaping Festival 2. AGA International Aquascaping Competition 3. AGA International Millenium Aquascaping Competition (IMAC would _definately_ get us in truble with the legal department of Apple Computer, so I guess its out. Thank's Olga, I completely missed that acronym). I like #2 - we could accept it as is or ammend it in various ways... 2b. AGA International Aquascaping Competition & Showcase 2c. AGA International Aquascaping Showcase & Competition 2d. AGA International Aquascaping Showcase 2e. AGA International Aquascaping Festival If anyone else has suggestions for a name, let's hear them... I think we want to acknowledge the AGA and stress the International scope in whatever we finally decide upon. E. Entries - Acceptable Formats - Entries may consist of Photographic Prints, Transparencies, or Electronic Images. We have flogged this a lot, but we are not done with it yet.Most people are assuming that all entries shall be in colour but I see nothing wrong if someone wishes to submit Black & White images (if you have never seen a good large format Black & White Transparency, you don't know what the word "delicate" can truly mean). In the "small print" we can specify size ranges for both prints and slides - I suggest a range of 4"X6" - 8"X10" for prints and 35 mm - 120 mm for slides (that is, if Erik or someone else has the facilities to handle 120 mm slides - it would give me a chance to dust off my Rolliflex.) Electonic images present a bit more of a problem. We are going to have to decide upon both maximum and minimum pixel size of entrant submitted material (I shudder to think of a 30 MB image file moving over the Internet) and we are also going to have to specify a minimum bit-depth of image format, both for what may be submitted and for images that we shall convert ourselves (from any submitted prints or slides). Different computer systems have different "image format" standards - not all of them are compatible and/or easily convertible one to the other. Some formats, such as GIF images can hold only 256 colours, some formats, such as JPEG's, are compressed in a manner which drops information contained in the original image and can result in "blocky" images. The format/s we accept and/or use internally must be capable of holding full image information WITH NO LOSS, and should be common on Windows PC's, MAC's, and Unix/Linux systems (Erik, you run the KRIB using Linux don't you? With Gimp as your image processing software?) I suggest that Erik give us some guidance here. I think it is important to remember that we will want images which if they are good enough, can be printed in magazines (or possibly even an AGA calendar). Scanning images for use on the Web is NOT the same thing as scanning images for ultimate reproduction in hard copy format. That much even I know. If we are not very careful and specific in how we specify the format of user scanned material, we could end up with photos which are useless for reproduction in TAG. Erik can always take an image scanned at 300 dpi down to 96 dpi for Web use. Now, before everyone jumps in here - please think - do you have EXPERIENCE with preparing newsletters and professional level publishing? I have done some of this. It _isn't_ a piece of cake. I don't want folks saying that they were planning on using their "Snappy" video camera to take the photos and that I am going overboard. I would _much_ rather see someone photograph their aquarium using traditional photographic equipment and leaving it up to Erik and the other scanning helpers to produce the required scans for use on the Web and in TAG. I have seen plenty of "electronic" images on people's websites which were taken with first or second generation video still cameras and they SUCK. They are blurry, blocky and not of "reproduction quality". You would be hard pressed with a video camera to match a 55mm Micro-Nikkor on 35mm Fujichrome or Kodachrome. F. Submission Elements / Constituents: - Most folks have said that they favour multiple images per submission, in order to be able to get a better feel for the aquascape under consideration. Several gave specific numbers, both for maximum and minimum. Please refer to my earlier post concerning the limitations on artistic expression (both of the aquascaper and the photographer) that any such limits may impose. Remember that our purpose is inclusion, not exclusion. We have several folks with scanning facilities and Erik has told me that he can devote upwards of 1 GB of online storage space to this project if necessary. I don't want to limit the potential creativity of the contributors. We have also discussed the other elements of a submission (other than the images). Topics such as tank set-up details, maintenance details, plant species list, floor plan, etc. have been discussed. Jose (I think) doesn't like including a plan view but I think that from an educational aspect this will be vital - remember that this is not just about "pretty pictures". Someone suggested a format similar to what Amano gives in his books - something like: Image Title Aquarium Volume Aquarium Dimensions Lighting Filter Substrate Fertilizer CO2 Supply Water Conditions (Temperature, pH, General Hardness, Alkalinity, etc.) Water Change Schedule Plant Species list (Scientific names preferred) Fish Species list Comments I suggest that we discuss this and decide on a uniform list of things which must be stated for each and every sumbission. This should be part of the entry package in such a way as we get uniformity from all entrants in the range of information we receive. G. Submitting Entries / Points of Contact - All submissions are to go to ONE person/address. I believe that we have settled on Erik as that person. Requests for information can be directed either to me or to the AGA Website - where we can place a write-up about the contest. If enteries reach a level that threatens to swamp Erik, there are several people with scanning equipment who have offered to help him with that task. In that event, Erik can get the physical entries to those folks who will do the scanning and then return both the scans and the originals to Erik for safekeeping. One thing which is not quite clear to me yet - for electronic images - do folks put them on disk and mail the disk to Erik, or send the images as e-mail attachments? Again, I'm concerned about huge image files moving over the Web, clogging Erik's in-basket. If we elect to have people put them on disk and mail them in, we will have to specify a compression format which is acceptable (like ZIP files). H. Return of Submissions / SASE - Forget it, this is _not_ going to happen. All submitted material becomes the property of the AGA and will not be returned. Anyone not happy with this can hang their photos on their own walls. We inform people to submit only duplicates of their originals. I. Copyright - We _still_ need to consult with a lawyer on this but I believe that the best course of action might be as follows: We make a very prominent statement that while Copyright remains with the individual entrant, the entrant, by submitting his/her material, grants and gives the AGA the right to use the material for promotional or other purposes for either the contest or for the organization. These possible uses include, but are not limited to: publication on the Web; publication in TAG or other AGA publications (like a calendar); publication on CD-ROM; publication in an aquarium industry/hobby magazine. Notice should also state that the aquascaper/photographer will receive a Credit Line as full and complete payment for the use of the image/material. No other payment will be due. J. Judging - Lots to talk about here. Several folks have mentioned the use of AGA "experts". Several have mentioned that Judges be excluded from entering the contest. I made reference to my hope that we can get International judges and made several suggestions about possible people to consider. Lots to stil discuss here. K. Promotion - Again, lots of ideas, lots of input. But at this point in time, as I'm sure everyone will agree, our plates are fuller than an All You Can Eat Buffet in Florida. Let's hold off on discussing this until we get the OTHER 10 points covered, and settled. -------- So, folks, there you have my little "summation". Sorry that it took so long to read.... but it took even longer to write... Again, I ask that no _new_ points be brought up until _all_ or these have been decided upon. I further suggest that we do this logically - let's start with "A" and work our way through to "J". It might be an idea to cut and paste this into a text file and either print it out or keep it handy on your computer to refer to as we work through each item. James Purchase Toronto (still with sore lungs but now also with carpal tunnel syndrome symptoms...)