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James wrote: > I don't think Judges should be charged with producing a
First, Second and/or
Third place type of scale. I liked the idea of using such concepts as
"superior", "excellent", etc. For our first stab at this, I think that this
way we would be more encouraging to people.<

I don't quite follow how we could pick a clear-cut winner using a scale such
as superior, excellent, etc., unless the judges were instructed that they
could pick only one "superior", one "excellent", etc.  However, isn't that
the same thing as picking a first, second, etc.?

In most other "hobby" type judging I have experienced, the _categories_ each
had their winners (first, second, etc.) followed by other winners, e.g.,
"most original", "best of show", etc., but that is getting more into
"categories", which I will discuss in another post.

Ken Guin
Arlington, VA

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