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Hi all,

I've been reading through the archives to get up-to-speed on what's happening. 

One caveat: as most of you know, I am an ex-member of the AGA so my opinions 
be tainted a bit when things like an "AGA sponsored contest" are discussed. I 
feel it should be an APD contest. It seems like the AGA moves a little slow for 
things like this, especially given Karen's appropriate concern for AGA mmebers 
who are not on-line. If the contest has to be announced in the "next" TAG, how 
long will that be?  And how long until the results are announced in the 2nd TAG 
follwing that?  

One thing I don't remember seeing mentioned among categories is the perception 
of expertise of the entrant. There should be overall categories of "novice" and 
"expert" based on an honor system. For example, if Karen or Neil said they were 
going to enter the "50 gallon tank" category, lurkers or newbies would probably 
not even bother entering. I'm sure many APD readers who have browsed my 
would just bag it if I said I was going to enter in as many categories as I 
think I find photos for. 

Perhaps the experts or gurus could be convinced to enter in a non-judged forum
and allow a popular vote of the exhibition and a separate vote for real 
I would consider judging but keep in mind my AGA feelings. At this time, I'm 
considering entering. 



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